Julie's Blog Posts

Here you will find interesting quotes, useful information and links to helpful articles on a wide variety of subjects.
Quote of the Week
More changes to our super seem likely!

A new government = more tampering with superannuation.  Whilst I recognise that we have a country to run and a budget to meet - why is that the superannuation members of Australia seem to have a target on them?  Look it's early days and we really don't know what is going to change - I read the article attached below in the Financial Review on 23 February and it's a bit of an eye opener on what is potentially on the table.

What is clear is that constant changes to the superannuation tax settings erode confidence in the system and discourage members from making long-term savings plans.

I guess at this very early stage... it's just 'watch this space' with your heart in your mouth :-(



The runway to retirement is shorter than expected
Older Australians often intend to take advantage of the new ways of working, but it doesn’t work out that way.
The average age at which Australians plan to reduce their work commitments and transition into retirement is 62.5 years, and the average age we would like to retire fully is 64.8 years.
But the reality is different. The average age at which Australians start reducing their work commitments is 61.4 years, and the average age we fully retire is 63.4 years.
These averages reflect the fact that one in three older Australians who planned their retirement did so earlier than they intended.
The top three reasons for retiring earlier than planned were that they were suffering from personal health issues (two in five), they were required to care for someone suffering from health issues (one in eight), or they were made redundant and lost their job (one in eight).
Therefore, it makes sense that one in four retirees report feeling out of control at retirement.
The sooner you start planning, the better.
Take a read of the attached article by Richard Dinham and let me know your thoughts.
Happy 2023!
Season's Greetings!

‘Tis the season! May your holidays sparkle with moments of love and laughter, and may the year ahead be joyful and prosperous. Merry Christmas!

Thank you to all our valued Clients for your support and business this year - we look forward to working with you in 2023!

Our office will close at 5pm on Tuesday, 20th December 2022 and reopen on Tuesday 3rd January 2023. 


Serial panicker when markets fall? Here's what to do

It is definitely no fun watching your hard earned money dropping in value when we are in the middle of economic turmoil, like we are right now!  There is no magic balm to take that pain away and the real secret is to stop watching the markets daily when you know that your overall strategy is well thought out - you really do just have to hang in and stay the course! 

I love reading economic articles where Commentators make predictions and comment on where the marketse are & what they might do next... but understand that is all they are - just an opinion and they do not always get it right!  I read a recent article in the Financial Review that summarised this observation better than myself.... take a read here.

You cannot control the markets - you cannot accurately time the markets - the only thing you can control is your reaction to it all.  Stay calm and stay seated.  And if you are a client of mine and still need a chat about it all... pick up the phone.

HM The Queen
Quote of the Week
