Wealth, Investing and Finance are not just different words for making money. They are the tools used to create the resources you will need to be able to do the things in life that you want to do. Even successful business people often overlook the subtle benefits of passive investment – this is the area where we shine. No matter who you are, ES&A Financial Services Sunshine Coast see you as the seed to what you will become.
It all started with a phone call from Ellen Schafer's secretary. My husband Brian and I were invited to a workshop presented by Ellen in April 1996. At the time we thought we were doing OK financially - we owned our house outright and owed nobody money. However, we were curious and said to one another, "What have we got to lose?" We had always managed our finances together until in early 2009 my husband died leaving me to manage them alone. Thankfully by this time I had come to rely on Ellen... read more